Monday, March 14, 2011

Back to Work for Mom

The time has come…for me to go back to work!  Four months flew by!  My first day back was pretty uneventful.  I missed Austin terribly.  He was asleep when I left, so that made it easier. We have found a wonderful nanny who takes extra special care of him.  He really likes her and smiles at her when he sees her.  I really like the fact that he can have the same routine no matter what day it is!  We are so blessed to have her. 

Allen has been working over the weekends in March, so this weekend, it was just little man and myself!  My mom came over to help out and visit.  We went shopping with Austin-it was so nice to get out of the house.  We also took Austin to his first trip to Loveless!  He slept the whole time.  Mom was a huge help this weekend-helping me bathe him and rocking him to sleep while I was able to take a nap.  Austin has been waking up a lot during the night again.  I do not have to go get him, but he makes so much noise it wakes me up.  I am trying to work on getting him to bed earlier!  We will see how that goes. 

Austin’s new thing is sucking on his hands and fingers sometimes to the point of gagging himself.  I am trying to teach him to use a pacifier instead. Here is a picture of the UK pacifiers we got:
It was so hot on Saturday, that I had to change his clothes into short sleeves.  I think this picture is adorable…shows how chunky his arms are.
Mom bought him this turtleneck.  It makes us laugh because his chin is so chubby, the neck of the shirt gets lost!
One of his babysitters brought him this giraffe that is attached to a pacifier.  He sort of gets the hang of it. He’s learning.  I think he looks cute holding it. 
I try and send Allen some pictures of Austin while he is away at work.  Here is one from Saturday morning.  He woke up in a great mood.

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